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Social Recruiting

Für mittelständische Unternehmen

Gewinnung von Fachkräften mit Employer Branding und Social Recruiting


TrustPilot Review
Web and mobile

Projects Completed

We provide digital experience services to startups and small businesses. We help our clients succeed by creating brand identities, digital experiences, and print materials. Install any demo, plugin or template in a matter of seconds.

We provide digital experience services to startups and small businesses. We help our clients succeed by creating brand identities, digital experiences, and print materials. Install any demo, plugin or template in a matter of seconds.

We provide digital experience services to startups and small businesses. We help our clients succeed by creating brand identities, digital experiences, and print materials. Install any demo, plugin or template in a matter of seconds.

We provide digital experience services to startups and small businesses. We help our clients succeed by creating brand identities, digital experiences, and print materials. Install any demo, plugin or template in a matter of seconds.


Wir helfen Mittelstandsunternehmen bei der Gewinnung von Fach- und Führungskräften durch digitales Recruiting

Through a deep understanding of our audience’s makeup and motivations, we design digital experiences that connect with people.

Das Problem

Haben Sie schon alles versucht?

As a leading digital agency in Paris, we look to engage with our clients beyond the conventional design and development agency relationship, becoming a partner to the people and companies we work with.

Keine Bewerber

I enjoy turning complex problems into simple solutions. I enjoy turning complex problems into simple solutions.

Ungeeignete Bewerber

Creating brand identities, digital experiences, that communicate. Creating brand identities, digital experiences, that communicate.

Keine Planbarkeit

Beautiful and intuitive interface designs for clients.And intuitive interface designs for clients.

Hohe Werbekosten

Creating brand identities, digital experiences, that communicate. Creating brand identities, digital experiences, that communicate.

Übliche Stellenmärkte

My aim is to bring across your message and identity. My aim is to bring across your message and identity.

Zu zeitintensiv

Great work for clients with meaningful missions. Great work for clients with meaningful missions.

Die Lösung

Planbar qualifizierte Mitarbeiter finden.

As a leading digital agency in Paris, we look to engage with our clients beyond the conventional design and development agency relationship, becoming a partner to the people and companies we work with.

Stufe 1


Mit Ihrem Unternehmen sichtbar werden

We craft premium digital work for web, mobile and experiential with creative agencies and global brands alike – putting passion.

Stufe 2


Mehrwert für die Bewerber schaffen

We craft premium digital work for web, mobile and experiential with creative agencies and global brands alike – putting passion.

Stufe 3


Geeignete Bewerber vorqualifizieren

We craft premium digital work for web, mobile and experiential with creative agencies and global brands alike – putting passion.

Stufe 4


Bewerber in Mitarbeiter verwandeln

We craft premium digital work for web, mobile and experiential with creative agencies and global brands alike – putting passion.

Ablauf – Fahrplan zum Erfolg

Wie läuft eine Zusammenarbeit mit uns ab?


Kostenfreies und unverbindliches Erstgespräch

Through a deep understanding of our audience’s makeup and motivations, we design digital experiences that connect with people.

  • Web Development
  • Brand Strategy
  • Art Direction
  • Graphic Design
  • Motion Graphics
  • Print Design
  • Content Management
  • Brand Strategy
  • WordPress
  • SEO Analytics
  • Copywriting
  • Mobile App Design

Das Strategiegespräch findet pünktlich statt

Through a deep understanding of our audience’s makeup and motivations, we design digital experiences that connect with people. Through a deep understanding of our audience’s makeup and motivations, we design digital experiences that connect with people. Of our audience’s makeup and motivations, we design digital experiences that connect with people.


Umsetzung der Motive-X-Methode innerhalb von nur 5 Werktagen

Through a deep understanding of our audience’s makeup and motivations, we design digital experiences that connect with people. Through a deep understanding of our audience’s makeup and motivations, we design digital experiences that connect with people. Of our audience’s makeup and motivations, we design digital experiences that connect with people.

mal mehr Reichweite
Alle erreichen

Ipse dolorum esse

Für den kompletten Arbeitnehmermarkt sichtbar! We believe that designing products and services in close partnership with our clients is the only way.

1 1

Vorteil 1

Schnell und effizient

Erste Bewerbungen nach wenigen Tagen.

2 2

Vorteil 2

Persönliche Betreuung

Ein persönlicher Ansprechpartner für all Ihre Fragen.

3 3

Vorteil 3

Schnelle Umsetzung

Sie können zeitnah Ihre offenen Stellen besetzen.


Ergebnisse aus unseren Performance Recruiting Projekten

MediTEAM Will


⏰ 90 Tage Laufzeit
📄 133 qualifizierte Bewerbungen
👉 15 Altenpfleger eingestellt

ET Netzwerk- und Datentechnik GmbH


⏰ 90 Tage Laufzeit
📄 54 qualifizierte Bewerbungen
👉 3 Elektroniker eingestellt

TrustPilot Review
Web and mobile

Projects Completed

Über uns

Jahrelange Erfahrung und enge Zusammenarbeit

Jahrelange Erfahrung und enge Zusammenarbeit

We provide digital experience services to startups and small businesses. We help our clients succeed by creating brand identities, digital experiences, and print materials. Install any demo, plugin or template in a matter of seconds.

We provide digital experience services to startups and small businesses. We help our clients succeed by creating brand identities, digital experiences, and print materials. Install any demo, plugin or template in a matter of seconds.

We provide digital experience services to startups and small businesses. We help our clients succeed by creating brand identities, digital experiences, and print materials. Install any demo, plugin or template in a matter of seconds.

We provide digital experience services to startups and small businesses. We help our clients succeed by creating brand identities, digital experiences, and print materials. Install any demo, plugin or template in a matter of seconds.

Wichtiges in Kürze

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Our design services starts and ends with a best-in-class experience strategy that builds brands.

Our design services starts and ends with a best-in-class experience strategy that builds brands.

Our design services starts and ends with a best-in-class experience strategy that builds brands.

Our design services starts and ends with a best-in-class experience strategy that builds brands.

Our design services starts and ends with a best-in-class experience strategy that builds brands.
